Author: netwiz
Rust and Corrosion in Bearings: What are the Causes?
Blog | July 13th, 2020Bearings, with the application of appropriate lubricants, significantly help in reducing friction between two mechanical parts. They also constrain the relative motion of components to only the needed and desired motion. The design of these machine elements is intended to give either the free linear movement of a moving part or free rotation around a […]
The 3 Key Variables that Affects Bearing Life
Blog | June 29th, 2020A bearing is a machine element that plays a crucial role in various mechanical devices. This specific machine element is intended to make components move to the desired motion smoothly and effectively without generating too much friction. Normally, the only movement possible for bearings is rolling as it produces a lower coefficient of friction compared […]
How to Choose for Correct Rolling Element Bearing Characteristics
Blog | June 11th, 2020The way rolling element bearing move and function has been utilised by different applications. However, one key detail to consider in using this bearing is that it has a wide variety of selection and characteristics. For starters, one may rely on the documentation and tools provided by the bearing manufacturer to make the rolling element […]
Speed Reducers Supplier in Melbourne: All About Speed Reducers
Blog | May 26th, 2020Industrial and household machines that need to reduce the speed of an electric motor heavily maximise speed reducers. With speed reducers, machines are provided with the needed torque so that they can run safely and efficiently. As a transmission system, speed reducer gearboxes are often used as they offer high complexity and a wide variety […]
About Rotary Bearings: Common Questions and Answers
Blog | May 15th, 2020One of the most important machine components to date is bearings. Bearings are comprised of smooth rollers or metal balls that help reduce friction between moving parts in motion systems. They also have inner and outer surfaces or races that allow rollers or balls to travel. Instead of letting them slide to one another, bearings […]