Author: netwiz
Understanding Pulley Bearings and their Functions
Blog | February 24th, 2021A bearing is generally described to be one type of machine element that can restrict relative motion to only the desired motion and subsequently minimise friction between moving components. Some type of bearings can provide learn the movement of a moving part, while others rotate around a fixed axis. There are also some types of […]
Primary Advantages and Applications of Bronze Bushings
Blog | February 11th, 2021A bushing is a type of bearing that is normally placed into the housing to effectively provide a bearing surface for specific rotary applications. This specific type of bearing can help improve the efficiency of an operation. It is usually shaped like a tube or sleeve, helping it minimise energy usage, noise, and wear. One […]
Most Common Types of Bearings Used in Automobiles
Blog | January 27th, 2021Automobiles are comprised of parts and components that are intelligently designed to handle all tasks necessary for their core functions. Engines, wheels, and other essential parts all utilise different hardware elements for them to work properly. One common element that automobiles maximise is bearings. There are numerous types of bearings that can be attached and […]
Optimising the Performance of NILOS Ring Seals
Blog | January 13th, 2021Industries such as mining, agriculture, construction, and automotive mostly utilise NILOS ring seals to effectively protect the ball and roller bearings against dirt and debris. And as they maximise the said ring seals, these industries can fully maximise their advantages and expect them to work effectively. NILOS ring seals are known to provide bearings with […]
Understanding Couplings and Its Different Types
Blog | December 14th, 2020A lot of devices and equipment today are utilizing different hardware devices just to carry out their intended functions and purposes. Some of the hardware devices that several devices and pieces of equipment have are bushings, bearings, seals, valves, and many more. Another type of hardware device that these products use all the time is […]